

Inge Alberts is the Director of Research & Innovation in Information Management at Cogniva as well as an adjunct professor at the School of Information Studies at the University of Ottawa. Her research focuses on personal information management & textual practices, recordkeeping in public administrations, document & genre theory and organizational semiotics. Inge has participated in several research projects with organizations such as the University of Montreal, the Government of Canada, the Government of Scotland and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Montreal.


She also acted as a consultant with public administrations including the Government of Canada, the Council of Europe and the International Monetary Fund. Since the completion of a Ph.D. in information science, Inge has combined her past academic research with private sector consultancy. This experience has reinforced her belief in the need to further connect research with the realities of the business community. Inge Alberts has translated this conviction into action designing experiments while publishing various academic and professional papers. At CISRI, Inge acts as the Scientific Director of the Organizational Information Compliance research stream.


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