
The CISRI has been created to investigate the role and nature of information in complex organizations and to explore new approaches and methods for modelling organizational information flow, monitoring  information compliance and designing innovative semantic technologies.


The intent of the institute is to act as a center of excellence and a catalyst for collaborative, interdisciplinary research in these specific areas of information science. CISRI will also promote the application of relevant research findings to  practices in information and knowledge management, and human-information system design. more info.


Finally, the CISRI is a key sharing platform for experts, academic & IM professionals internationally. Welcome!



    DEVELOPMENT OF ISIS (Integrated Semantic Information Services)

    Development of a computer application for faceted classification and search. Based on the concept of “facets,” this application integrates common information management tools such as file plans, metadata frameworks, thesauri, work processes and knowledge maps into one coherent semantic model.

    more info.



    Statistical summarization has been an active field of research in deriving keywords from text as a means of categorization. This project extends this work by assigning goodness-of-fit scores between a document and each concept within the taxonomy by querying the taxonomy using the keyword summary.

    There are a number of competing algorithms to do this that can be derived from graph theory including the assigning node score based on its distance from a keyword node or selecting the most general node which encompasses all keywords. This research concerns itself with the performance analysis of these strategies using a number of open data sets and taxonomies so that Cogniva can then decide on the best course of development for its products.

    more info.

Record Keeping Metadata Management Information Information Lifecycle Knowledge Management Record Management Metadata Knowledge Mapping Information Management Information Architecture Records Tagging
  • 07.01.13 Inge Alberts presented a research project
    Inge Alberts presented a research project titled “Theoretical and Methodological Dimensions in the Identification of Information Resources of Business and Documentary Heritage Values” to Library and Archives Canada.
  • 12.02.11 CISRI Winter Research Round-up
    CISRI Researchers will present recent research topics & projects, and have a chance to discuss current research activities. Another research Round-up will be held in Spring 2012.
  • 10.01.11 Inge Alberts nomination
    Inge Alberts, Scientific Director at CISRI, will join the Ottawa School of Information Studies as an assistant professor.
  • 09.27.11 CISRI Official Launch
    Steering committee members, academics, IM professionals & IM researchers are invited to this great event.

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